
The source for this corporate zero-trust multi factor login portal has been leaked! Figure out how to defeat the super-secure one time code. settings Service:


We need to break through the verify() function.

	public function verify()
		if (!$this->verifyUsername())
			throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid username');

		if (!$this->verifyPassword())
			throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid password');

		if (!$this->verifyMFA())
			throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid MFA token value');

		return true;

First, verifyUsername() is a simple string comparison.

	private function verifyUsername()
		return $this->userData->username === 'D0loresH4ze';

Second, verifyPassword() is a password inspection using bcrypt.

	private function verifyPassword()
		return password_verify($this->userData->password, '$2y$07$BCryptRequires22Chrcte/VlQH0piJtjXl.0t1XkA8pw9dMXTpOq');

This hash is well known in PHP manual.

The password is rasmuslerdorf.

And finally, verifyMFA() is inspection of a number that is 10 digit random number.

	private function verifyMFA()
		$this->userData->_correctValue = random_int(1e10, 1e11 - 1);
		return (int)$this->userData->mfa === $this->userData->_correctValue;

This is very difficult to break through. However, the variable mfa is created by unserializing user requests.

So, it is possible to determine that mfa and _correctValue match by using mfa as the reference of _correctValue by object injection.

Answer is


And create userdata parameter by base64 encoding.

I got flag.
